• The Blog at

    The Morse Actors Studio

    Thoughts and advice to support Actors at all levels.

    July 15, 2024 · BFA Auditions,Self-Tapes,BFA Prescreen Auditions,Film Auditions
    Here is a list of items I use and recommend to Actors who are looking for new or to update their...
    September 16, 2024
    There are hundreds of books out there about the craft of Acting and even about the Business of...
    August 30, 2024 · Audition Tip,Auditioning,Actors Life,Audition Life,Audition Coach
      Life happens. You get busy. You or people in your life get sick. Bottom line - sh!t happens...
    May 20, 2024 · Acting,Audition Tip,Auditioning,Actors Life,Audition Life
    Directors cast one of two things - for acting ability/skills or for looks. Your job is to show...
    August 18, 2022 · Acting,Auditioning,Actors Resume,Audition Tip,Actors Life
    A quick Google search and you can find hundreds of Actors Resume's. The question a lot of Actors...
    August 2, 2022
    Unless you're doing a brand new show, there most likely is a published copy of the script...
    It's not secret that going back for a MFA Program is expensive.  People get very excited when...
    March 25, 2022 · Auditioning,Auditions,Acting,Actors Life
    You're on a budget.   You're new to acting and auditioning.  You're auditioning infrequently. ...
    March 14, 2022 · Actor,Auditioning,Actor Type,Acting Coach,Monologues
    You can find this first step in MANY Acting books, bios, YouTubes videos, etc. - what are five...
    March 14, 2022 · Monologues,Auditions,Acting
    Spring is here! Many people use this time to spring clean, so why not spring clean your Audition...
    March 7, 2022 · Auditioning,Agents,Actors,Acting Coach,Consultations
    An agent doesn't book you work.  They don't even get you work.  They get you AUDITIONS.  They...
    February 28, 2022 · Monologues,Auditioning,Acting Coach,Auditions
    There are thousands of plays out there.  Barnes&Noble doesn't carry much in their drama section....
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